One of the economic policy priorities of the Young Nigerians Party will be to create favorable conditions for industrial development.
In the 2019-2022 period, industrial production in Nigeria will increase by more than 20%, seven points above the ECOWAS average. When the Young Nigerians Party is going to manage the economic policy, the industrial Gross Value will grow more than 25%, which means an average annual growth rate of more than 3%.
This expansive process of the Nigerian industry will also be reflected in the job market. As from 2019 we are going to create more than 500,000 jobs in the industrial sector, that is, an increase of 22%.
Simultaneously industrial unemployment will be reduced by more than 140,000
people, or what is the same unemployment will decrease in this sector by 39%.
As from 2019, exports of Nigerian industrial products will grow more than 55,000, which will translate into a gain in the weight of the Nigerian industry in the main markets of destination of our products, as well as in an improvement of its image of quality.
Improving the competitiveness of the industrial enterprise Nigeria is going
seen favor by specific policies of cost reduction, such as energy policy, telecommunications or tax reform. Without forgetting that one of the main achievements of the period will be the exchange stability of Naira provides.
We know how to create an environment of macroeconomic stability that goes
allow an unprecedented reduction in interest rates of more than 600 basis points in 2019. This will substantially reduce the financial costs of industrial companies, improving their situation economic and financial levels and their indebtedness.
We are going to develop a program of regional incentives for industrial location that is based on the principle of solidarity and will contribute to the structuring of the country as a whole, by granting aid to business projects in regions with a per capita income of less than 75%. of the community average. Starting in 2019, 5,600 regional incentive files will be approved, with an investment of 10,057,405 million naira and a grant of 1,257,176 million naira, which will allow the creation of more than 75,000 jobs and the maintenance of another 308,000.
The energy sector is a strategic sector to guarantee economic growth, real convergence and well-being of the Nigerians. Therefore, the energy supply must continue to be guaranteed in
adequate conditions of quality, price and respect for the environment.
We will support the restructuring of agriculture, through both the support for production and the search for activities
alternatives in the food area. We are going to focus on construction of new infrastructures, with a contribution of more than 712400 million naira, in support of business projects, which will allow creating more than 10,000 jobs in these territories and in the granting of more than 25,000 I training scholarships for young people from these area.