
viernes, 27 de abril de 2018



The Young Nigerians Party is committed to individuals being beneficiaries direct effects of budgetary stability. Therefore, we will continue tax reforms that allow a progressive reduction of taxes
 paid by Nigerian citizens, compatible with the growth economic and job creation.
We are firmly committed to a fiscal policy of constant and determined support to families. Therefore, all fiscal reforms that are to commit in the future will be guided by this principle. The Young Nigerians Party is aware of the economic importance of saving in an advanced society like the Nigeria. Therefore, we will continue
 encouraging the savings of Nigerian families, advancing in neutrality
of its taxation and in the reduction of the tax burden it supports.
The steady growth of our economy in the coming years, as well as
the ability that Nigeria society will demonstrate to create employment to feel, to a large extent, the dynamism of Income Tax on Individuals (ITI).  Therefore, we will maintain and improve the fiscal support for this important sector of our productive economy.
We believe that the State Agency for Tax Administration is a guarantee,
 equality and solidarity among all Nigerians and example of a modern administration at the service of the citizen. It is important to continue improving and facilitating the relations between the administration,
especially the Tax Administration, and citizens. Because, we bet to continue working in the reduction of barriers and charges derived from the bureaucratic activity of public administrations.
We are going to continue the modernization process of our system started in 2019. A process of modernization that will have as its objective the rethinking of some tributary figures.
The Young Nigerians Party considers it essential to fight against any form of
tax fraud, since it undermines the very principles that modern fiscal systems are built.

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