
lunes, 30 de abril de 2018



We will carry out a third rebate of the ITI, which will have three axes:
. A general decrease in rates, with a maximum of 40% and a minimum of 10%.
. A substantial increase in family deductions. In particular, a specific effort will be made to families with two or more children and for those with disabled or dependents on them.
The incentive of saving, through the creation of a program to support savings with a tax incentive framework for long-term savings, which reduces the tax burden especially for the small saver and which contemplates a minimum exemption of 150,000 Naira for the taxation of the income of capital in the ITI.
We will incentivize fiscally that older people can obtain annuities through insurance contracts made on his living place.
We will encourage the hiring of Savings-Dependency Insurance with a treatment similar to that received by pension plans.
We will improve the deductions for the contributions of individuals, companies and associations to the heritage of people with disabilities.
We will increase the amount of aid to working mothers with children under three years of age.
We will improve the taxation of small and medium businesses in Corporate Tax.
We will promote the creation of day care centers with a tax deduction of 30% of the contributions of companies to daycare services for the children of their employees.
We will establish a special tax regime for those companies whose exclusive object is the realization of R & D activities.
We will promote productive and employment-generating investment in direct taxes.

- We will promote the modernization of the Wealth Tax, in accordance with the current characteristics of our tax system.
- We will promote a simplification and update of other tax figures, such as the Tax on Patrimonial Transfers and Documented Legal Acts, in order to adapt them to the current ones Nigeria's economic circumstances and prevent them from acting as obstacles to saving or proper commercial traffic.

- We will expedite the declaration procedures and the returns by the State Agency of the Tax Administration,
promoting the generalization of the presentation of statements and self-assessments through telematics.
- The State Agency of the Tax Administration will send all the people who do not have obligation to make the declaration of the ITI the certificates of the amounts that have been paid for this tax.
- We will promote that the citizen can access all kinds of forms, forms and administrative models, from any point with access to the Internet.
- To prevent citizens from requesting various tax certificates for the request of aid, we will promote the processes of direct exchange of information with other administrations public.
- We will encourage the admission of new forms of payment in all tax procedures (Internet, credit card, debit account ...) facilitating the payment of taxpayers.
- We will adapt tax management to the greater fiscal coresponsibility derived from the new system of regional financing. In this sense we will promote mechanisms that make more transparent
the state and local governments tax burden in the ITI and we will inform the taxpayer, in the corresponding invoices, of the part of the indirect taxes (VAT and Special Taxes) that corresponds to the regional collection section.

- We will strengthen the relations of the
Tax Agency with the tax administrations of other countries, through the provision of information and greater collaboration and coordination in the fight against tax fraud.
- In particular, we will tighten our regulations and reinforce the material means to continue fighting against tax havens.
- We will continue promoting the use of new technologies in the procedures of management, collection, inspection and

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018



The Young Nigerians Party is committed to individuals being beneficiaries direct effects of budgetary stability. Therefore, we will continue tax reforms that allow a progressive reduction of taxes
 paid by Nigerian citizens, compatible with the growth economic and job creation.
We are firmly committed to a fiscal policy of constant and determined support to families. Therefore, all fiscal reforms that are to commit in the future will be guided by this principle. The Young Nigerians Party is aware of the economic importance of saving in an advanced society like the Nigeria. Therefore, we will continue
 encouraging the savings of Nigerian families, advancing in neutrality
of its taxation and in the reduction of the tax burden it supports.
The steady growth of our economy in the coming years, as well as
the ability that Nigeria society will demonstrate to create employment to feel, to a large extent, the dynamism of Income Tax on Individuals (ITI).  Therefore, we will maintain and improve the fiscal support for this important sector of our productive economy.
We believe that the State Agency for Tax Administration is a guarantee,
 equality and solidarity among all Nigerians and example of a modern administration at the service of the citizen. It is important to continue improving and facilitating the relations between the administration,
especially the Tax Administration, and citizens. Because, we bet to continue working in the reduction of barriers and charges derived from the bureaucratic activity of public administrations.
We are going to continue the modernization process of our system started in 2019. A process of modernization that will have as its objective the rethinking of some tributary figures.
The Young Nigerians Party considers it essential to fight against any form of
tax fraud, since it undermines the very principles that modern fiscal systems are built.

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018


The tax reform and the reduction of taxes are going to be a constant policy in the next two legislatures.
As from 2019, we are going to double the Income Tax on Individuals (ITI) twice with a total reduction of 25%, especially for the lowest incomes.
With the first reform of the Income Tax on Individuals (ITI) we are going to save 2,139,714 million naira a year, with the new reform.
The new Income Tax on Individuals (ITI), reduces the tax burden of all taxpayers by an average of 11%; and, especially of the lowest incomes, for taxpayers with incomes lower than 5,135,313 naira, the reduction is 38%.
It also encourages the reconciliation of family and work life and support to the birth rate by 40,000 naira monthly for more than 600,000 mothers who work outside the home and with children under three years of age; and favors the collectives with more burdens, such as the elderly and the disabled.
We will eliminate the Tax on Economic Activities (TCA) for the two million three hundred thousand self-employed people, and we will improve the taxation of small and medium business and family businesses, introduce deductions for reinvestment of capital gains.
We will extend the rate reduce of 30% in the Tax on Companies to the companies that invoice less than 3 million naira. In the Corporate Tax we will increase the incentives for internationalization and R + D + i to make them the most important of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
As from 2019, we will reinforce taxpayer assistance and we will improve the results in the fight against fraud. The Tax Agency will be recognized internationally for its management, among others
issues, to the use of new technologies.



- We will promote a National Agreement for Full Employment, with a broad and open social dialogue, which promotes full employment and encourages stable hiring, reducing time.
- In the framework of social dialogue, we will support a collective bargaining structure to organize and structure the conditions to the uniqueness and circumstances of companies and sectors.
- We will implement reforms to make the framework of labor legislation more favorable and adjust it to the new reality of the Nigerian economy. The reforms will make hiring more attractive, encourage greater job creation, prioritize stability in the workplace and will be aimed at improving productivity and competitiveness.
- We will promote indefinite hiring, especially the one that perform part-time, with particular attention.
- We will promote and adapt the annual programs to favor the indefinite hiring of those who have more difficulties in access to stable employment.
- We will elaborate a special plan of the Labor Inspection to fight against the fraud in the hiring.

- We will promote the improvement and coordination of the Public Employment Service seeking the most effective active policies for the effective labor insertion of the unemployed, and their adequate coordination with passive employment policies.
- We will reinforce the active employment policies, to ensure greater geographical and functional mobility, and in particular to favor the labor insertion of women, young people without experience, people with disabilities and, especially, the long-term unemployed.
- We will establish bonuses on Social Security contributions:
 In contracts directed to groups with special difficulty to access employment.
In those contracting modalities that encourage.
At the same time, stable employment and the reconciliation of work and family life.
To voluntarily prolong the effective working life, beyond the legal age of retirement.
For carers of dependent persons in services
such as telecare, home help, day centers or
residences, in order to increase their number, their professionalization and specialization.
To promote the hiring of the disabled, when
in the company the percentage of legal reserve is exceeded.
To encourage youth employment, especially in the autonomous regime for the creation of their own business or professional activity. We will encourage the work of the self-employed with selective measures.

- We will promote the incorporation of social security to collective bargaining, compatible with the circumstances of each
- We will encourage, along with complementary pensions, other benefits of technical-assistance content.
- We will promote complementary coverage in the public sector.
- We will encourage public employees to make voluntary contributions to pension funds of public administrations through a simplified procedure.
- We will regulate the private dependence insurance in the field of complementary social security, incorporating the corresponding fiscal incentives.

- We will increase the amount of aid to working mothers with children under three years of age.
- We will promote part-time contracting with double zero cost. We will extend the current bonus for women who return after the period of maternity leave, in the case of
that they opt for the voluntary transformation of their full-time contract for a part-time contract, to the new contracts that are generated as a result of said transformation.
- We will promote the creation of new nurseries.
- We will extend the one-year bonus for self-employed workers for women workers on their own when they join after maternity.
- We will promote specific information initiatives for companies and training in reconciling family and work life.
- We will promote that companies provide an adequate environment that facilitates the reconciliation of family and work life, favoring the extension of the family-responsible company certificate.

- We will implement programs that facilitate the labor insertion of young people, before they reach 6 months of unemployment.
- We will establish a business training plan for young people and we will generalize the professional practices of young people in companies.
- We will promote self-employment, the generation of business projects and the access of women and young people to financial instruments that support creation and development, such as microcredits.
- We will promote a greater presence of women in vocational training for employment, in continuous training and throughout their working life and in specific training in new Technology of the information and communication.
- We will strengthen the Labor Inspectorate to eradicate practices of employment discrimination against women,
increasing sanctions in the case of discrimination for reasons of maternity.

- We will promote the recruitment of age, to achieve a stronger labor link.
We will reward Social Security contributions to prolong the effective working life of older workers, beyond the legal retirement age. We will allow
increase the individual maximum pension without exceeding the maximum pension of the system.
- We will introduce reforms in labor legislation and Social Security to discourage early retirement, establishing the principle
of zero cost for the public sector in general.
We will promote the option of gradual and flexible retirement that has just been legally established.
- We will promote the participation of older, unemployed and retired workers in training programs and work qualification, paying special attention to those groups with greater risk of being part of the long-term unemployed duration.

- We will promote the indefinite hiring and the functional mobility of the workers, in order to improve their qualification and promote a better use of the labor opportunities.
- We will intensify the financial instruments to support the creation and consolidation of employment-generating markets stable and of quality. We will promote the use of microcredits, guarantees and guarantees.
- We will create a job portal in which people and companies will obtain information, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on job offers and training, and demand for personnel, throughout Nigeria and the Ecowas. The portal will have specialized support and advice from employment offices, which will have consultation terminals.

- we will promote vocational training for employment, improving the quality and diversification of training offers to meet the 'qualification needs of groups with difficulties in finding employment and at risk of social exclusion.
We will open vocational training to the reality of the world, and intensify learning, so that Nigerian workers can access training and qualifications that is granted in other countries of the World.
- We will promote the transparency of qualifications and professional knowledge in the global context and its public certification, regardless of the mechanism through what these have been acquired.
- We will promote lifelong learning, developing interactive content for use in the network, promoting an intensive use of information and communication technologies in the processes of distance training and stimulating self-training.
- We will promote the continuous training of the worker in the company, paying special attention to the training needs of workers.
- We will promote a teletraining plan for all Nigeria through the Internet.

- We will launch initiatives for full development Agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and among them:
We will promote a new employment service specialized in the employment of people with disabilities, with the aim of promoting their incorporation into the labor market.
We adapt vocational training to the needs of people with disabilities, promoting the
development of appropriate teaching methodologies and materials.
We will develop a training portal for people with disabilities.
We will promote the specific training of employees public services to provide adequate care for people with disabilities.

- We will implement a plan to fight against accidents at work that, in conjunction with the social partners and the 36 States, reinforce the performance of the Inspection
of Work, take into account the needs of the sectors with the highest accident rate and carry the culture of prevention of labor risks to schools and training centers.
- We will establish a new rate for the insurance of work accidents and occupational diseases, to promote the prevention of occupational risks.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018


There is no better social policy than creating general conditions that facilitate everyone's access to the labor market. Employment is essential for our society to continue to grow, continue to move forward firmly in the economic field and continue to achieve high levels of welfare.
When Nigeria will have the largest number of employed people in its history, full employment will be within reach. The Government of Young Nigerians Party affirms its commitment to continue working for the attainment of full employment.
Employment in a modern society must be based on quality and stability. Therefore, we will promote the creation of favorable conditions in the labor market that facilitates the hiring of workers, especially those with the most unfavorable starting conditions.
Safety at work, training, opportunities for promotion, reconciliation of family and professional life, flexibility in the organization of working time, are essential pieces in this endeavor.
The employment policy of the Young Nigerians Party is based on social dialogue
wide and open. A dialogue that should guide the path of our society towards full employment, laying the basis for the completion of reforms to decisively boost the effective functioning of the labor market.
The Young Nigerians Party will especially strengthen labor integration and
professional performance of women, with the firm objective of raising their employment rates, paying special attention to their specific needs in the labor market. We are aware of the special needs of working women who have been mothers and, therefore, we will ongoing new measures in support of the reconciliation of family and work life.
We will put in place mechanisms that encourage the labor insertion of unemployed people with difficulties, to facilitate the employment of those who have special economic needs, dependent family members or risk social exclusion. We will take into account especially the
employment situation of women, young people and the elderly.
We believe in the relevance of a complementary social security system adequate to the needs of companies and
We are aware of the needs and demands of freelancers, who are at the base of job creation in our country Nigeria. We believe that the self-employed and micro-entrepreneurs are going to play a more essential role every time and that self-employment is called to be of increasing importance.
The Young Nigerians Party understands that training and qualification are in the
base of the success of the employment policies and represent the most important assets of our workers. The preparation of capital human is today more important than ever, given the high level of
integration of Nigeria in the African and global economy, the challenges and opportunities that the knowledge society and the environment of changing and demanding demand of the labor market. We believe that training throughout the working life and vocational training, in particular for groups of low-skilled workers, are key for employment and for improving the ability of adaptation of our workers to the demands of the productive system.
The prevention and fight against occupational risks and accidents will be a main axis of the employment policy of the Young Nigerians Party. The improvement of the quality of employment must unquestionably consider safety as a key element for professional development in the best conditions.
A freer society must allow people to flexibly extend their working life according to their capacity, personal conditions and will.


As from 2019, the governments of the Young Nigerians Party will develop policies that will translate into an unprecedented increase in employment,
in the consequent continued decline in unemployment, in the improvement of the quality of work and in a better functioning of labor markets.
With an economic policy aimed at sustained growth, stable and a strategy of permanent social dialogue, we will achieve that activity in the labor market and employment increase
Four million five hundred thousand more Nigerians are going to find a job. It means an average of over 1,500 daily jobs, which will highlights the growing capacity of
generation of employment in our country.
Of the new jobs, more than half will be occupied by women and more than 900,000 by young people under 30 years of age.
We are going to create one of every three jobs generated in Nigeria.
The best employment expectations are going to make more than 2,300,000
people will join the labor market. Of them, the 55.8% will be women. The female activity rate will grow to 43.1% and that of young people will grow to 47.1% and that of
Workers between 55 and 64 years of age, which have fallen considerably previous year, will increase to 43.7%.
Stable employment will grow by more than three million two hundred thousand jobs. And the temporary rate will be reduced in
3.3 points. This is going to prove that the economy Nigeria is not only capable of
generating more jobs but these are mostly stable.
Long-term registered unemployment will be reduced by 46.7% from 2019 to mid-year 2026, a decrease that will be distribute equally between both sexes.
To achieve these objectives, the Government of the Young Nigerians Party (YNP) is going to launch important actions:
We will approve three important labor reforms.
We will improve the regulation and protection of indefinite hiring and part-time work.
We will favor the reconciliation of family and work life.
We are going to renew professional training, creating a National System of Vocational Training and Qualifications.
We will increase employment support measures directed at the unemployed, especially through bonuses to groups with special labor difficulties.
We are going to reach an important agreement with the social agents in the fight against occupational accidents.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018



- We will consolidate the Budget Stability Law as an essential framework for the maintenance of sound public finances. This implies all the States, and the local entities. In this sense, we will take
its full regulatory development.
- The Governments of the Young Nigerians Party (YNP) will place the weight of the public sector below 40% of GDP. We are committed to maintaining this limit, as a guarantee of a dynamic economy and
- We will establish coordination mechanisms with all the States  and Local Corporations, expanding the content of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council Agreement of 2019 for effective budgetary stability.
- We propose that an Annual Report on budgetary stability of each of the States, Abia, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Gombe, Imo, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Nasarawa, Niger, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, OyoI, Plateau, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, Zamfara, and FCT Abuja, to be prepared within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council for subsequent referral to the Senate. This report will be made public through Internet.
- We will develop the Reserve Fund Law, increasing this continuously. Parliament will be informed every six months of its management and policy
investments. These reports will also be made public through the Internet.
- Efficiency, efficiency and transparency will be the axes of public expenditure management. To do this, we will develop the new General Budgetary Law and the General Subsidies Law, consolidating a very demanding system in control.
- We will carry out a budgetary programming for quantifiable objectives that allow us to evaluate the quantity and quality of the
public services provided to the citizen.
- We will introduce economic evaluation systems, not only budget, investments and expenses that measure the cost-benefit and
the cost-effectiveness of them. Before spending, we have to evaluate the different alternatives.
- We will improve the transparency of Public Accounts, establishing
a calendar of statistical publications, according to standards

- We will improve, with a broad and open social dialogue, a labor framework that promotes full employment and encourages stable hiring, reducing time.
- In the framework of social dialogue, we will support a structure of
collective bargaining to order and structure the working conditions to the uniqueness and circumstances of companies and sectors.
- We will promote stable contracting, making contracts
permanent the most attractive option for companies.
- We will reinforce the active employment policies, to ensure greater geographical and functional mobility, and in particular to favor the
labor insertion of women, young people without experience, people
with disability and singularly the long-term unemployed.
- We will promote training throughout the entire working life and vocational training for employment.

We will undertake a new reduction of taxes.
We will carry out a third reduction, which will have three axes: a general decrease in rates, a substantial increase in
family aids and deductions and the incentive of saving, introducing exempt minimums,
We will increase the amount of aid to mothers
workers with children under three years of age.
We will promote the modernization of the Patrimony Tax and an update of other tax figures such as the Patrimonial Transfer Tax.
We will make more transparent the state and autonomic tax burden in the declarations, as a reflection of the greater fiscal responsibility.

- We will implement the recommendations approved in the recent revision of all the 36 States, referring to the separation of sources of
financing, to the greater contributivity of the system, to the incentives to extend working life and to eliminate discrimination age in companies or excessive recourse to retirements

- Greater competition and deepening liberalization
of the markets for goods and services is a priority of the Young Nigerians Party(YNP), as a fundamental element to guarantee the creation of
employment and the welfare of consumers.
- We will situate the levels of good governance, transparency, accounting practices and auditing function of Nigerian companies at the best of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). In particular, we will develop the Code of Good Corporate Governance, binding for companies listed on organized markets and optional for any other.
- We will promote the adoption of these Codes by all those entities that issue securities that are listed on organized markets or
that distribute financial or savings products.
- Additionally, we will approve a Code of Good Governance and Good Practices for companies, agencies and public entities,
that ensures the best levels of professionalism, transparency and efficiency in management.
- We will encourage the adoption by companies of Corporate Social Responsibility Codes, through the dissemination and exchange of good practices and experiences on a national and international scale.
- We will deepen in the independence, the professionalization and the
transparency of the Savings Banks and their social work.
- We will constitute a coordinating body for financial supervisors and capital markets, to better defend the interests of investors and savers. We will strengthen the capacities of supervisory entities and in particular of the National Securities Market Commission.
- We will promote a modification of the Antitrust Law to strengthen the functions of the Defense Court
of the Competition, which will assume the instruction of behavior files that the Defense Service of the
Competition. In addition, the Tribunal's analysis and recommendation functions will be strengthened.
- We will strengthen the coordination mechanisms of the regulators
sectors, such as the National Market Commission of the Telecommunications and the National Energy Commission, with the Court of Defense of Competition.
- We will strengthen the capacity of the National Commission of the Telecommunications Market and the National Commission of the
Energy as vigilantes of the transparent functioning of the markets, enhancing their inspection capacity.
- We will promote a commercial system in which all commercial modalities have a place for the benefit of the consumer.
Likewise, we will facilitate the modernization and development of small businesses.
- We will guarantee transparent, non-discriminatory and non-discriminatory access to essential services networks and infrastructures (telecommunications, energy, gas, electricity, postal, etc.), as a fundamental element to ensure competition.
- We will promote regulation of air, maritime, land and rail transport that facilitates the freedom of entry and transparent and non-discriminatory access to the network, as well as security for
the users.
- We will convert the National Consumer Institute into the central axis of consumer protection policy, integrating it with the policy economic.
- We will establish a National Insurance Registry, in which the interested parties can know, with absolute protection of the data
personal, the insurance policies of which they are beneficiaries.

- We will complete the transport infrastructure plan 2019-2025 and prepare a new plan with an execution horizon of 2026, maintaining an investment rate above the average of our community partners over the next four years.

- We will continue promoting the model of regional financing, approving with the unanimous support of all the 36 states, .Abia, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Gombe, Imo, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Nasarawa, Niger, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, OyoI, Plateau, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, Zamfara, and FCT Abuja. This model is based on solidarity and
co-responsibility and is the one that best adapts to the degree of decentralization we are going to achieve.
- With a horizontal nature, we will propose a new regulation of the Inter-territorial Compensation Fund, with an endowment reinforced, that allows the maintenance of an adequate effort
investor throughout the national territory, and in particular all the states with a lower level of development, favoring
so territorial cohesion.

- We will strengthen our active policy of internationalization of the
Nigerian company, and in particular the SME, using all the
instruments at our reach and in a very special way the Institute Nigeria
of Foreign Trade. This policy will have markets as priorities
without a sufficient presence of Nigerian companies, such as the new Member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the European Union, the United States or Asia.
- We will strengthen the Development Assistance Fund, adding also the functions of technical assistance, feasibility studies and the promotion of foreign investments.
- We will improve the operation of the risk coverage system
to export, promoting greater involvement of the sector
private sector and expanding the coverage of risks on behalf of all the States.
- We will promote the Nigerian brand, which identifies our products
in the world and consolidated as a reference of quality and excellence in international markets. We will coordinate the external actions in different areas (commercial, tourist, cultural, agricultural, etc.) under this same name.
- We will create the Investing Agency in Nigeria to carry out promotion work in Nigeria as an attractive destination for companies from all over the world to settle and create
jobs in our country.

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018


We can change our country for good, we can! We are the youth leader of tomorrow, we are the future of our country Nigeria.
In a developed economy the role of the State is to create a transparent and efficient framework of rules. Privatization will be the positive results. With a business sector at the level of the best in Africa, we must push for ambitious reforms in this framework.
The SME is the core of business activity in Nigeria and the main source of new jobs. Far from being limited to traditional sectors, it is increasingly the origin of many of the main technological innovations and the export drive. Therefore, it will continue to receive special attention from the Young Nigerians Party (YNP). Companies must be protagonists of the foreign projection of Nigeria.
The internationalization policy that will be carried out by the Government will be an encouragement to achieve it.
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) itself is expanding, and we have to be able to
take advantage of the great opportunities that will undoubtedly be derived from this historic challenge. We will start from a favorable position in the head group of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), as the first economy of the 15, progress is what make a great country.


PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES OF YOUNG NIGERIANS PARTY (YNP). In 2019, we will see balanced and sustained growth, currently Nigeria will find itself in a good position to take advantage of the international economic recovery.
In the coming years, we Nigerians can really aspire to achieve the great national goal of full employment, stable and quality, as well as the convergence in levels of employment and income with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It is our firm commitment to develop the policies in this next legislature
adequate to achieve it.
Now, faced with this new great goal, we must raise the second wave of reforms of the Young Nigerians Party (YNP). The reformist impulse gives results.
The maintenance of budgetary stability is a guarantee of a sound economy, which generates confidence and reduces the burden on future generations, thanks to the gradual and constant reduction in the weight of public debt.
This option will have tangible consequences. It will mean that our
Budget will have more resources available to devote to priority policies, such as education, health, pensions, security, justice, research or infrastructure. This will allow for a margin
enough to continue with the tax reduction.
Nigeria will face the future of the pension system from a favorable position: an intense increase in Social Security affiliation, which allows its surplus, and a growing Reserve Fund. We will start from a solid base to contemplate the challenges that the aging of the population poses.
Employment is always the best possible social policy. It provides citizens with autonomy, opportunities for social improvement and personal self-esteem. The four million five hundred thousand jobs that will be created as from 2019 would be the best result of our reform policy. Despite the progress made, we must go even further in this direction if we want Nigeria to achieve full stable and quality employment.
The Young Nigerians Party will continue to promote reforms in the market
labor to place us on the path of full employment. And this within the framework of
social dialogue, in which the social partners are called to play a fundamental role.
We will show that it is possible to lower taxes in Nigeria. With
lower taxes will favor employment, savings and dynamism

lunes, 16 de abril de 2018


What would you do for your Country Nigeria? Young Nigerians Party (YNP). From 2019 it will be an authentic policy of SMEs. Thanks to that, is going to
create 420,000 SMEs, providing a very financial and fiscal framework
favorable both for the SME and the self-employed.
To gain flexibility and agility, we will approve the New Company Law, which allows companies to be created in less than 72 hours.
we are going to suppress the Tax on Economic Activities, we are going to reduce the Corporation Tax and we are going to approve important fiscal incentives for R + D + i, the incorporation of new technologies
and internationalization.
More than 8 million naira in loans through the ICO- line
SMEs as from 2019 will allow to create 485,365 jobs. Special attention will be given to women entrepreneurs, through the program of
microcredits of the National Innovation Company.
More than two million four hundred thousand self-employed people will benefit from a better tax treatment, significant bonuses to the creation of employment and a better coverage of their occupational risks.
We are going to develop the internationalization plan, promoting the
incorporation of 4,000 new SMEs into foreign activity,
increase the network of Economic and Commercial Offices abroad and strengthen the implementation plans abroad of the

domingo, 15 de abril de 2018

2019 PROGRAM OF YOUNG NIGERIANS PARTY As from 2019 public finances the public deficit is going to grow.
economic growth will be reflected in higher growth rates and the creation of
Both the lowering of interest rates and the reduction of debt is going to
decrease the financial expenses of the GDP debt in
For the first time in Nigeria, a Government will promote transparency in
financial markets and investor protection, with reforms
as the Financial Law, the
modification of the Public Offer regulations.
The Government will also promote greater transparency and
professionalization of Savings Banks.
In 2019, the policy of defending competition is going to go from being a
marginal instrument to be the central axis of the Economic Policy of the
We are going to open and liberalize markets that were traditionally
controlled by public monopolists, exceeding the demands
Community in the opening of the markets for gas, electricity or
We are going to substantially increase the financial and human resources of the
Court and the Competition Defense Service, streamline its
action and reinforce the procedure of control of concentrations
of companies.
This policy is going to bring important price reductions, with the
corresponding benefit to the consumer:
In the telecommunications sector it will produce
price reductions, both for fixed telephony (24.3% in
2019-2022) as of the mobile (62% in 2019-2022).
In the energy sector, electricity prices will be reduced in
more than 30% compared to the past years.
 In 2019, the public sector modernization program will be approved
State enterprise. As of then, we are going to privatize 48 companies and
we will get an income of billion of naira.


In 2019, the Governments of the Young Nigerians Party (YNP) is proposed as an axis
fundamental of its economic policy the achievement of growth
sustained and stable and generator of employment.
Throughout this year, the Nigerians economy is going to show its
solidity, growing in a stable and sustained manner, even in periods of
recession of the countries around us.
In 2019, the Nigerian economy will register an average growth
annual higher than 3%, 1.2 points higher than the growth of the Ecows countries.
Nigerian is going to be the first economy of the Ecowas countries. It would also be the ninth
direct investment issuer worldwide and the eighth recipient.
Our economy is going to gain weight, through increases in our
market share, both in world trade and in that which is carried out
in the African countries.
We will achieve the increase in real convergence with our partners
world. The income per capita Nigeria is going to rise to 78% of the
average of the African countries,
This economic policy of sustained growth and without imbalances
is going to be oriented to the creation of employment. Four million five hundred
thousand Nigerians more would have employment. With this, our economy is going to create
more than 1,500 jobs a day for four years in a row.
The fiscal policy of the Governments of the Young Nigerians Party, based on the
budgetary stability, it is going to have important consequences in the
financial sphere:
. Family wealth is going to double in these four years.
. The Public Debt is going to noticeably reduce its weight on the
. It will increase investor confidence in the economy
Nigerian. The cost of our debt is going to be lower than the debt
previous. Our debt is going to have the maximum
solvency rating, granted by the rating agencies more
important in the world.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2018


I'm still working on Section 40 of the 1999 constitution Under Nigerian law in running for any political office.
I'm trying to follow the guidelines set out by the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC).

We are trying to follow it stage by stage.
STAGE 1 –We have getting a name, logo, and acronym of the proposed party

-we need a dedicated and committed Chairman, a Secretary, National and State Executive Committee members – all officers must voluntary committee him or her self for the services of our Nation.

+We have drafted Constitution, drafted Code of Conduct and Manifesto. The Constitution have provisions that deal with things like how elections are conducted, the administrative structure of Young Nigerians Party (YNP) etc.)

-We need to draft Constitution that will reflect the Federal Character principle of the 1999 Constitution i.e. which said that all leadership posts must reflect the Federal nature of Nigeria and should be representative of the various federating units of Nigeria.

- We are still raising funds to rent office of the Headquarters which must be located in the Federal Capital Territory – Abuja, and the office of Young Nigerians Party which must be located in at least all the states.


We are raising funds to pay a non-refundable fee of N1,000,000 (One Million Naira) and I believe that we can achieve it with one mind.
To Obtain the appropriate form- FORM PAI
Within 30 working days, Young Nigerians party (YNP) must submit 50 copies of the completed form and 50 copies of the draft constitution and manifesto of Young Nigerians party along with all other required information.
We must submit the documents with the names, signatures and residential addresses of the Chairman and Secretary of Young Nigerians party.


INEC will verify all the claims in the document for conformity with the Guidelines.

The above is just a brief summary of the process, if you do indeed want to join us in this great achievement, and for the betterment of our great country Nigeria. I will be very grateful and very happy to welcome you, but remember all this need a sacrifice, self determination and commitment. If you have any where you can support to make this a reality we will be very grateful to you.
Thanks for your attention.

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018


I stand for the 2019 elections with a team of people
prepared and honest, who have government experience and are
committed to the future of Nigerian. We want to get the confidence of the
Nigerians to achieve higher levels of well-being and prosperity for all.
We have four and a half million new jobs, our Security
Social is guaranteed and our public accounts are healthy. They are far away
times of pessimism. Today we are a dynamic and capable society
successfully the new challenges.
The Young Nigerians Party offers a political project for the future. With a program to
modernize society and give Nigerians a better quality of life. A
exciting program, center and reformist that, I am convinced, represents
the guarantee of a better future for all.
I propose ambitious and achievable goals. We will guarantee the stability
institutional, to create more and better jobs, to consolidate the foundations of
welfare, to make the environment and growth compatible, and to promote
our international projection I do not propose anything that I can not fulfill.
Constitutional patriotism and stability in institutions strengthen
our democracy. Respect for the rules of the game is key to well-being and
the progress of Nigeria. We believe in a solidarity Nigeria, cohesive and equal in
rights for all, whatever the place where we live.
We have an economic dynamism that we should not put at risk. Today
we are closer than ever to achieve that more and more Nigerians have
A job. We are getting more young people and women
work. We also want a better future for our elders and
offer them better care. That’s why we have to ADVANCE TOGETHER.
We want work to be compatible and to be able to enjoy family life. What
it is easier to access housing for young people. That people with
disability have new opportunities and higher quality of life. The future is
a more cohesive, freer and more secure society.
Vote for YNP, Vote for Young Nigerians Party, Vote for the future.


Security guarantees the exercise of freedom. Therefore, there will be more police and
more civil guards at the service of the citizen, and will be closer to everyone.
Winning the future demands to continue to improve the quality of our education and make
possible access for all to new technologies. A quality education
favors the equality of opportunities. We promise that \ Nigerians
count on good health with the same rights for all.
We want a vertebrate country with a modern infrastructure network that
favor economic growth throughout Nigeria. Innovation is a
strategic bet that will allow more and more Nigerians companies
be leaders Small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to be the basis of
our productive fabric.
Our government program is ambitious but it is perfectly achievable.
We propose a horizon of prosperity and stability in which everyone fits and ‘
nobody is left out. An open society in which people are. protagonists and have more and more opportunities. A society in which
We can all improve.
We live in the period of greatest stability, freedom and progress in our history.
Improve this at our fingertips. To this I personally commit myself
If I receive the confidence of the Nigerians next 2019 Election. Vote for Young Nigerians Party (YNP), Vote for the future, Vote for Nigerians 2019.


The Party against corruption: we fulfill
The impulse of democratic regeneration that the Party is carrying out corresponds with its commitment included in the electoral program
What are we doing? Transparency and Regeneration
Clarity and transparency must be one of the fundamental bases of our Democracy, a commitment acquired by the Party, which was reflected in our electoral program.
The objective of this democratic regeneration is transversal throughout the structure of the State, but it must have a special visibility in those institutions that, because of their representative nature, are closer to the citizen.
Democratic Regeneration Plan
It is a commitment assumed by the Government of the Party since its takeover and is in different areas of development and approval.
The Plan includes 70 measures that make up the most ambitious, comprehensive and effective package in the fight against corruption.
The Government responds to citizens with a firm commitment to exemplarity and transparency, with 4 axes:
1. In force. The Law, of transparency, access to public information and good governance.
2. Criminal and procedural measures to combat corruption included in the reform of the Criminal Code.
3. Law Regulating the Statute of the High Position: according to the maxim of the exemplary and institutional quality Inclusion of the requirement of suitability, according to the principles of good repute, experience and training. It includes:
• Efforts in the area of conflict of interests.
• Limitation of compensation and representation expenses.
• Reinforcement of prevention, control and sanction mechanisms.
• Prohibition to participate, more than 10%, in companies that have any link with the administration.
4. Law of economic activity of political parties, aims to improve the legislation of the activity of political parties. Goals:
• Prevention of corruption cases with more control mechanisms.
• Prohibition of debt forgiveness from entities to parties.
• Limit of subsidies to parties by 40%.
• Obligation to render accounts before the Court of Auditors.
• Financing linked to the annual variation of the expenditure of the PGE.
• Decrease in electoral expenses by 20%.
• Extension of the statute of limitations for any sanction.
• Incompatibility of corruption with belonging to the party.
5. Reform of the General Tax Law, changes in the norm that is already in force will make the fight against fraud more transparent and effective, reduce conflicts and increase legal security.
• The list of debtors will be published with the Administration in the last quarter of the year.
• The taxpayers will be publicized with outstanding debts and penalties of more than one million naira, and those convicted of a fiscal offense.
• The fight against tax fraud is strengthened, which will reduce the conflict of rules and increase legal certainty.
• A new sanction is created for contrived or frantic behavior.
Consult the full text in the attached document
Office of Asset Recovery and Management
It is a tool contemplated in the National Program of Democratic Regeneration, launched. It will be integrated into the Ministry of Justice with the function of increasing the effectiveness of the recovery of assets whose origin is based on the commission of an offense or economic management thereof.
It will focus its activity on:
• The location and recovery of the effects, assets, and profits derived from criminal activities; especially, those derived from corruption, and their management.
• Offer advice to courts and prosecutors who request it in cases such as seizures or foreclosures.
• The resulting funds will be used to repair the damage caused to victims of crime, including Public Administrations: Compensation to victims.
• Provision of support and assistance to victims. Fight against crime. Measures for the reinsertion of the offender
The start-up of the new Office will mean a reduction in the costs derived from the managemen


Vote for the future, Vote for Nigerians, Vote YOUNG NIGERIANS PARTY(YNP) vote for your future. Say no to old men, Say no for the same Face, Say no for Corruption.
List of Nigerian Presidents (from 1960 to date)
20 DEC 2016
Nigeria had only one president since 1914 till 1960 and that was Queen of England. After independence in 1960, Nigerian indigenous presidents started controlling the affair of the country. In this write-up, you will be informed about the presidents of Nigeria since independence since 1980 till date.
Sir A Tafawa Balewa
He was the very first prime minister of Nigeria. He became the prime minister in 1960 and was killed 6 years after during a coup de tat. He became prime minister via a political coalition between the National Council for Nigeria and the Cameroons and the NPC. The former party was led by Late Nnamdi Azikiwe. Tafawa Balewa was a teacher and he entered into government in 1952. He later served as the minister of transport during the colonial era.
Gen Aguiyi Ironsi
Thomas Umunnakwe Aguiyi-Ironsi was a Nigerian Igbo political figure. He served as the President of Nigeria from January 16, 1966 until he was overthrown and killed in a coup on July 29, 1966. Major General J.T Aguiyi-Ironsi, Nigeria’s first military Head of State was born in 1924 in Umuahia, Abia State. He later joined the Nigeria Army in 1942 as a private and was promoted Major General in 1964.
General Yakubu Gowon
He took power after one military coup d’etat and was overthrown in another. He remains the youngest person to have ruled the country. His government fought to keep Nigeria one during the civil war(1967-1970), which broke out in the aftermath of the regional tensions arising from the January and July 1966 coups d’etat.
Gen Murtala Mohammed
A hausa, trained at the British military academy at sandhurst, murtala muhammed had command of federal field forces in the had played a prominent role in rallying northern offices behind the july1996 coup that fell ironsi .Murtala Muhammed was however killed on February 13,1976 in an abortive coup attempt when his car was ambushed in traffic in lagos .
General Olusegun Obasanjo
e was a chief of staff during Muritala R Muhammed regime before he was named as a military leader in the country. He was the first military leader in the country. He handed over power to a civilian government, Alhaji Sehu Shagari, he became elected civilian president on may 29 ,1999
Alhaaji Shehu Shagari
Nigeria’s Second Republic President, was the first elected president of Nigeria to exercise full executive powers, after the handover of power by General Olusegun Obasanjo caretaker Government.
Maj. General Muhammadu Buhari
Major General Buhari and Major General Tunde Idiagbon were selected to lead the country by middle and high rank military offices after a successful military coup d’etat that overthrew civilian President Shehu Shagari on December 31,1983.
Gen. Ibrahim Babangida
He introduced the concept of military president into the Nigerian political lexicon and till date remains the country’s only military leader addressed by that title. He maintained a firm grip on power and tried to abrogate the unpopular policies he inherited in office. Babangida’s regime was popular for its liberal economic policies.
After Ibrahim Babangida, there follows a series of other presidents, like
Chief Ernest Shonekan,
Late General Sanni Abacha,
General Abdulsalam Abubakar,
Chief Olusegun Obasanjo,
Late Umaru Musa Yar’adua,
Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, and
Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari, who is the current present president.


The Party against corruption: we fulfill
The impulse of democratic regeneration that the Party is carrying out corresponds with its commitment included in the electoral program
What are we doing? Transparency and Regeneration
Clarity and transparency must be one of the fundamental bases of our Democracy, a commitment acquired by the Party, which was reflected in our electoral program.
The objective of this democratic regeneration is transversal throughout the structure of the State, but it must have a special visibility in those institutions that, because of their representative nature, are closer to the citizen.
Democratic Regeneration Plan
It is a commitment assumed by the Government of the Party since its takeover and is in different areas of development and approval.
The Plan includes 70 measures that make up the most ambitious, comprehensive and effective package in the fight against corruption.
The Government responds to citizens with a firm commitment to exemplarity and transparency, with 4 axes:
1. In force. The Law, of transparency, access to public information and good governance.
2. Criminal and procedural measures to combat corruption included in the reform of the Criminal Code.
3. Law Regulating the Statute of the High Position: according to the maxim of the exemplary and institutional quality Inclusion of the requirement of suitability, according to the principles of good repute, experience and training. It includes:
• Efforts in the area of conflict of interests.
• Limitation of compensation and representation expenses.
• Reinforcement of prevention, control and sanction mechanisms.
• Prohibition to participate, more than 10%, in companies that have any link with the administration.
4. Law of economic activity of political parties, aims to improve the legislation of the activity of political parties. Goals:
• Prevention of corruption cases with more control mechanisms.
• Prohibition of debt forgiveness from entities to parties.
• Limit of subsidies to parties by 40%.
• Obligation to render accounts before the Court of Auditors.
• Financing linked to the annual variation of the expenditure of the PGE.
• Decrease in electoral expenses by 20%.
• Extension of the statute of limitations for any sanction.
• Incompatibility of corruption with belonging to the party.
5. Reform of the General Tax Law, changes in the norm that is already in force will make the fight against fraud more transparent and effective, reduce conflicts and increase legal security.
• The list of debtors will be published with the Administration in the last quarter of the year.
• The taxpayers will be publicized with outstanding debts and penalties of more than one million naira, and those convicted of a fiscal offense.
• The fight against tax fraud is strengthened, which will reduce the conflict of rules and increase legal certainty.
• A new sanction is created for contrived or frantic behavior.
Consult the full text in the attached document
Office of Asset Recovery and Management
It is a tool contemplated in the National Program of Democratic Regeneration, launched. It will be integrated into the Ministry of Justice with the function of increasing the effectiveness of the recovery of assets whose origin is based on the commission of an offense or economic management thereof.
It will focus its activity on:
• The location and recovery of the effects, assets, and profits derived from criminal activities; especially, those derived from corruption, and their management.
• Offer advice to courts and prosecutors who request it in cases such as seizures or foreclosures.
• The resulting funds will be used to repair the damage caused to victims of crime, including Public Administrations: Compensation to victims.
• Provision of support and assistance to victims. Fight against crime. Measures for the reinsertion of the offender
The start-up of the new Office will mean a reduction in the costs derived from the managemen